So how do you find a park up for the night in the UK? Where do you even start? Have you overnight parks in the UK? Is it something you want to try? Do you not know where to start?
Hey, guys. Welcome back. We've got another slightly different episode for you this week. I know so many of you are holding on for our Scotland trip, so are we, it's coming up in two, three weeks away.
In the meantime, we thought before sharing any more travelling videos, we would follow one from last week. If you haven't checked out, we did a review on park4night in Brighton, four of the best spots to overnight park in a city by the sea. This week we thought we would talk you through how to find an overnight park in the UK.
When we bought our van four years ago, we knew nothing about this. It was straight to a campsite, plug ourselves in. But soon Adventure called and we discovered YouTube and Vanlife and wild parking began. Four or five years of doing this. We've picked up some tips and tricks along the way. We shall share those with you now.
We use Park4Night, which is a great app that you can download. We use it for travelling around the UK. You login, there's a map of the UK. People have gone on there, registered as a user and put their spot that they found on park4night. You can put pictures on there and a little review of the park up.
But as we know with park4night it is all user-generated, which means you are relying on a lot of people's opinions.
So one thing that we found is a spot that some people deemed a good overnight spot when we arrived. Not so much because you can only share a set amount of pictures. Obviously, attitudes and environments change, signs come up, and go down. So Trist being the tech wiz tech Boy Scout. We use Google Maps.
So this is a little thing which I don't think people often think to overlay on park4night. So once you've found your park for night spot, you can then search on Google Maps, which then gives you the satellite image, which means that you can actually zoom down to road level and be able to look around the space that you're going to be in.
You can look for signs, you can look for the facilities. It just gives you an all-round view of the area. You know, what might look on park4night as a rural country spot you turn up in is actually a corner plot in a residential area. So it is good to check out Google Maps to overlay.
I mean often I think for us we like to use a blend of both because then you do have other people's experiences to rely on combined with the visual of the area.
You know, as much as these videos are us giving our knowledge as we see it, I'm sure there's plenty of information that we don't include. So let's chat in the comments you know, we've as we say, we've been doing this for four years now.
We've done England, Wales and Scotland. So we have a plethora of places and tips to share with you guys. So anything we don't include in this video hit us in the comments and let's chat, let's share some knowledge. Let's yeah, let's get you guys wild camping in your van.
In the four and a bit years that we have been doing wild parking, we have never ever had the knock and we have never ever been moved on.
So these tips are tried, tested and proven. Don't worry. I know when we first did our first wild park up, I slept like a log. I didn't sleep a wink. You had every noise, every sound that happened around us. So it does take time to ease into it for some.
So don't worry if you do one night and think, Oh God, that's not for me. And you want to do it again? Everyone reacts differently. But I can promise you is absolutely doable. Perfectly safe. You don't get moved on. You don't get a knock. If you follow our advice tips,
But how do you use park4night?
So let's just quickly take you through it. Open up the app and then look in the area you want to travel around in and then boom, up should come a plethora of places to stay and you'll see symbols where they're day parking symbols, evening parking symbols, tractor symbols, which is usually farmer's land that you can park on or campsites.
You'll see motorhome symbols, which is usually places that are more catered towards motorhomes for parking. Overnight, you'll see the odd 4x4 symbol, which is kind of like you need a 4x4 to access this. Not so popular here in the UK. And you also get this little kind of gear icon where usually that's where you can kind of go and pick up free water.
That might be from a town hall or from the petrol station, whereby they've been very kind in allowing people just to pick up free water, look at all the different symbols and you can start planning your trip and figuring out where you want to go.
So here are some tips that we advise you take when you're picking your first park4night. And we have a few, I want to narrow these down to five. Hope there will be just five.
Facilities. Many, many, many overnight parking will not have facilities. These aren't campsites. They're not set up for overnight. They're set up for overnight parking. So just make sure you're contained and bring a toilet. I highly recommend the pee bottle is probably the most simplistic way of having a facilities in your van, but the easiest disposal of be aware if you use a chemical toilet, they need to go into chemical waste, not public loos.
That will ruin systems that don't do it. If you carry something more compostable, then that doesn't mean you're reliant on bins or something to find to get rid of it. We found a pee bottle and local toilets. It works really well. You'd be very, very surprised when you start finding how many public loos that actually are around. So yeah, check out Amazon, and get yourself a pee bottle.
One of the main tips that we give out try and arrive as late as you can at the park up and leave as early as possible. And I think the mindset on that is to really minimise kind of how much you're using particular spots, kind of move in the shadows, if you can, and then kind of no one knows that you've been there and you haven't you're not really disturbing anyone.
If there are signs saying no overnight parking, use your common sense. Don't overnight park. It will make you worry all evening that you're going to get moved on and chances are where there are no overnight signs you will get moved on. AS sad as it is and as beautiful as this spot may be, a little like Devil's Dike.
If it says no overnight, then roll on and just move on somewhere else. It makes everyone happy and makes sure that we can all stay campervanning and overnight camping where we can.
Take your rubbish. Please, please, please take your rubbish with you. There's a saying and I said it in the other video which was, take nothing but a picture and leave nothing but footprints.
That is just it. Some are how the attitude to Vanlife should be and with the majority it 100% is. Leave a spot better than you found it.
So our next hit is you can use park4night during the day, although the apps called park4night you can actually look on the app and there's a little either yellow or kind of orange gold symbol that denotes that it's usually for day park up and then ones which are blue and white, which show you that it's an overnight park up.
How if you aren't an overnight camper in these wild spots or if you are, you can still find places to go during the day. And there's actually a lot of amazing places like where we are at Devils Dyke we can stay during the day. So as we can see here, this park up, there's no overnight camping, there's no fires.
You can stay here all day if you're in a camper van, whether you're in between your evening spots or you're going from campsite to campsite, you can come up here, and enjoy these beautiful views. There's a plethora of walks and you can come and hang out here for the day just by looking on park4night.
I think the top piece of advice that we could give if you're not comfortable with where you parked up, move on.
You don't get any points for staying somewhere that you're not comfortable. If you're by yourself or if you're with your family or travelling as a couple. If one of you is not comfortable with where you're staying for whatever reason, trust your gut. And there are times we have moved on. I mean, I think in one time in Wales we drove an additional hour just to feel comfortable.
But for the 8 hours, you were staying somewhere, the hour is nothing. It's worth it for the peace of mind. And normally you can trust your gut instinct. It it teaches you well. And after you've been travelling for a while, you learn things on the road. So. Yeah. Not comfortable. Move on.
So hopefully you have found these tips and tricks of some use and it would encourage some of you to get out there.
Maybe and explore in a way that you haven't before. Hopefully, we've answered some questions. As we said, let's let's make this video about a conversation. So if there's anything we have included, drop us a comment and let's see what other knowledge we've got up here to share with you guys. It would mean a lot a lot, a lot to us if you subscribe.
It's just the little click of a button. If you have a Gmail account you're in, it's free. And the difference it makes to two people day is quite amazing. So yeah, give this video a like
Get out campervanning and there's loads of countryside in the UK. You want to check it out. So much to say in England, Wales and Scotland.
It's unbelievable. And part4night can just make that a little bit easier with the addition of our tips and tricks and using Google Maps as well. So get in your van, car or get on your feet? Get out there.
Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel and share this with someone you love because they might want to start a campervanning and tyhey might not know about park4night so it might be super helpful to them.
But until next time, folks we'll catch you later. Bye for now.
Park4night offer a free version of their app. This is plenty to get you started and planning your overnight parkups
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